We have updated our privacy policy regarding what personal data we collect from you, how it is used and how we share it. The data we collect will only be used for the purposes of the H3DAPI.org website (User Uploads and User Downloads of software, H3D Wiki, and Forum use). Whenever we ask for your personal data, we will always tell you why and how the information will be used. At any time, you may withdraw consent for SenseGraphics to keep your personal data by sending an e-mail to: support@sensegraphics.com.


What we collect

When you create an account on H3DAPI.org, we collect your email, username and password. When you log in to H3DAPI.org, we collect your IP address. If you choose, you can also update your profile information with the following information that we will then collect: Name, Website, Timezone, Other accounts: ICQ, AIM, YIM, MSNM, Location, Occupation, Interests, Signature, Extra Info, cookie storage preference, Email from moderators preference.

If you include personal data in text files for software that you have uploaded to H3DAPI.org for others to use, it will be stored with your software upload on our servers.

It is not advised, however if you enter personal data when updating the H3D Wiki, it will be stored in the H3D Wiki pages on our servers.


How it is used

We store your personal data in a database only for the purposes of account registration and monitoring, and as an identifier on the H3DAPI.org website. The default identification is username only. If you enter additional personal information in your profile, it will be displayed on the User Uploads pages and in the Forum.

We do not use the personal data that you might have included in your software uploads.

We do not use the personal data that you might have entered when updating the H3D Wiki.

How we share it

Your username will be seen by other users on the H3DAPI.org website in the Forum and on the User Uploads pages if you contribute to these sections or are logged into the website.

The personal data that you enter in your profile will be seen by other users on the H3DAPI.org website in the Forum and User Uploads sections if you contribute to these sections or are online.

Any personal data that you have included in text files with your software uploads can be downloaded and seen by other users.

Any personal data you enter on the H3D Wiki can be viewed by the public.